The Real Deal V Saboteurs: #CSAinquiry #RoadtoChangeEU #RoyalCommissionAus V #QAnon #Angela Power disney #FionaBarnett #DavidShurter #SatanicHoaxes #The LegendaryCampaign & other liars #HampsteadJusticeNow

What is QAnon? Explaining the bizarre rightwing conspiracy theory   

I do not believe for a minute that Tom Hanks has ever abused a child and am sick and disgusted at the false accusations being levelled at all and sundry for clickbait.

Recent ghoul/witchfinder general encouraged by Angela Power Disney & Eddiis(NOT)ok from the UK to try and re inflame the Hampstead hoax/false flag of the vilest kind:

New YouTuber brings evidence of Fiona Barnett & her lies:

Since writing this post early 2016; QAnon emerged, online and in the UK Jon Wedger has come out of the shadows, having apparantly applauded Bill Maloneys’ speech at our 2010 hijacked rally; which has turned into a hoaxfest promoting satanic panics online and false allegations as long as they include famous politicians or stars:  2018 and people newly interviewing Brian Harvey are promoting those who support Fiona Barnett and David Shurter, despite the damage already caused by them, aided by people like Angela Power Disney who worked closely with Belinda McKenzie (who organised the hijack 2010 to promote the holliehoax which morphed into the even viler Hampstead hoax 2015.)  New to Hoaxtead (Hampstead Hoax) ?

This is the offensive previous programme, that I only caught up with yesterday, and couldn’t believe my ears.   it gets to John & Kathy at about 1hr….though the whole thing is an education. Listen here:  Fiona Barnett puts CSASurvivors in firing line   At about 1hr they begin naming CSA campaigners as Gov’t infomants, all lies, yet David Shurter is now denying that their statements, false allegations, lies have created threats towards John, kathy, and others, also causing distress to their families.  He has fallen out with the other hampstead promoters, but still quoting the case as being real.

New video about David Shurters admitted history of child molesting & latest court appearance (note  Angela Power Disney & Hopegirl QEGScammer pray for David and support Fiona) Note also that APD worked closely with Belinda McKenzie who hijacked our 2010 rally, I returned to organise; so that the Hollie then Hampsead SRA Hoaxes could be promoted and genuine voices sabotaged (the photo above is me speaking at the 2nd rally ’94):

And the video below, is the second from one of their supporters in Oz, involved with OPdeatheatersNSW and Pedohunters Downunder aka pedophilesdownduner;  16 secs of vile threats.  Laurence Coghlan threatens Survivor John Brown

The vile abuse levelled at other genuine CSA Survivors/campaigners/advocates involved with the Royal Commission Australia and supporting real whistleblowers and struggling victims is covered here:

The first video is already on another post but you can find it here Laurence Coghlan repeats Fiona Barnetts lies & threatens

In the comments you can witness the level of it, since writing this, many comments have disappeared.

Check out what John Brown actually is attempting, and Kathy, Gabby, Amanda are the real deal, as am I.

Innocent of their accusations, yet David Shurter, Fiona Barnett, Angela Power Disney & others are GUILTY of everything that I and others have long suspected. Click the video link below:

David Shurter – Goodbye & Good Riddance, featuring Naima Dawn Feagin QEG Scammer & Angela Power Disney Liar & Fraudster

That link above was on MKDs channel; maliciously copyright struck by Hopegirl aka Naima Dawn Feagin QEG Scammer, as was mine, so here are a couple of new links from ‘That’s A Fact, Jack’ channel who have all of Tim of the McKenzies files:

So they also copyright struck Jack too……  Well there are already new videos here:

Inside Out, Back to Front, put a mirror infront of any of them, a real spotlight, and watch.

Turn everything they say around, recognise that yes, whilst there may be some truthful information, there are common themes. The same commentators, repeating mantras heard from whoever their latest hero is, without the wisdom to recognise, what we have been fighting all along…

Do you think we havn’t long realised what we are up against ????

Do we think that powerful abusers might pay alot to various types to cause chaos amonst us ? Sabotage ? Control ? Abuse? Mock? Accuse? Accuse Falsely?  I and others can paint a picture of this, across the world, but of late, these wild hoaxes are taking the bullying and daring to attack some of us, to even more hateful levels, so we must be really dangerous for some reason ???  Perhaps only that we are generating a climate where genuine victims/survivors of child abuse can gain support and justice?

Fiona Barnett & Hampstead SRA Hoax Intersections & Parallels

Hampstead SRA Hoax UK – False Flag supported by same team leaders that promoted previous false flag, Hollie, used to overwhelm the rallies against Child Abuse, claim they started in their actual 17th year:  2010, but they were actually began by me in 1993.  The team that planned to push speakers rather than CSA Survivors onto the platform, 2010, also destroyed video evidence entrusted to them of the ’94 rally.    Bill Maloney appeared on ITV News, that evening to announce the first ever rally, began by Truth and Hope.  I am bullied consistantly for whistleblowing their activities and warning people, but I didn’t until quite recently, realise the extent and intensity of the harm caused.

Hoaxtead Research has been online for a year, today.  Now still going strong with over 1 million views.  A wealth of real information on all people listed on the blacklist here, and others, not yet covered.

The tabs contain real and whole evidence.   Questions can be asked, and will be truthfully, answered.  People can be assured that their privacy will be protected if they so wish, there is a contact form for people to add their evidence, give information or critique.

There is also evidence of the intense bullying suffered by Hampstead residents being named online, with dreadful consequences for them and their children.

This is still being viciously pushed by Kris Costa and her page Believe The Children on Facebook and Deborah Mahmoudieh, one of the Admins. (DM has since been charged, plead guilty and cautioned)  Also still promoting the hoax is Angela Power Disney & her friends, John Paterson, Wesley P P Hall & Jake Clark of Opdeatheaters to name a few.  So all of them are indeed supporting child abuse and abusers.  Indeed if you check on Hoaxtead Research many of them are found either to be promoting abusers like Brian Paed, Belinda McKenzie even housing one and some have been arrested like Matt Taylor for having images of children being abused on his computer.  Andy Peacher founder of Fresh Start Foundation and Belinda McKenzie have set up a fund for a convicted paedophile deported from the UK to Austria………. Yet Wild Cat (aka Catriona Selvester, Director of FSF) is currently writing lists accusing any famous people she chooses of being child molesters……. What is their game really ?   To drown out the real voices? As they couldn’t shut us up ?

Fresh Start Foundation whose partners include:  Penny Pullen,Christine Gow, David Scott (associate of Brian Gerrish, UK Column), Cat Scot @calamatiTcat, Andy Peacher (Freedom Talk Radio), are still sharing video clips of the two children (illegal), January 2018.

Ricky Dearman was investigated and cleared.  Yet this mob have continued to break the law, insist their fabrications are true, gifting naysayers of real cases, to call CSA Survivors witchunters and vigilantes, fantasists, nutters, and to insist on names being witheld, as well as another round of False Memory Syndrome, and all the while, careers are being built on the enormous pot of money, now available…… Recently Brian Gerrishs’ go to Satanic hoaxers Wilfred Wong & Sandra Fecht, along with Nathan Stoplman attempted to drum up business & entice survivors to be taken down their rabbitholes.  It failed.  But his mate Ed Opperman is still obviously determined to try and keep it going, given his recent interview with Jon Wedger of the dodgy dealings with Bill Maloney.

Ricky Dearman tho……He doesn’t deserve this and then of course, nor do I and anyone dissenting the ridiculous claims or foul abuse, levelled at us, online, well, their stock default answer is that we must be him, Ricky, who I have never met, but now am defending, by the way, he is going through the process of contact, and what the future holds, I hope is good for the two children.  We do know that the children are safe.

Given that Abe & Ella have boasted that their plan was to return to Morocco (where Abe had tortured the children for 4 weeks to make them repeat his sick lies & fantasies).  Thank everything that they were rescued and protected from further beatings, threats, starvation & sleep deprivation……  This torture is ignored by hoax pushers, they are all happy to support this child abuser who ran as soon as the game was up and arrest was imminent.  None of them have the right, therefore to claim to be fighting for children.  Please everyone realise that the videos have actually meant that they must remain hidden…..  If you can, please help by reporting videos & posts still appearing now.

Think about it, what a nasty trick this has been, but with such evil  outcomes all round, not least, causing CSA Survivors to be able to be re labelled, in ways we both never deserved, and were always used to mock or dismiss, abuse etc in the past.  But the worst thing is that real children have suffered, the two children and those of the innocent parents… and even now December 2017 there names, addresses, personal details and false accusations are being still shared.  The sharing of their videos of itself is child abuse.

Were Tom Watson and other MPs misteered by Bill and Chris Fay ?

but I tried to warn him, and others, I’m sure would have…..but look at the White Flowers Events, and you will see clear disinfo agents, Belinda McKenzie, Bill Maloney & Joe Public AKA Malcolm Blackman    Malcolm Blackman ex? 4Chan Troll of the vicious kind seen @ most Anti CSA Events, UK and   remember they began pizzagate & it’s the teams of people committed to raising the issue of satanist abuse to be more important than the real abuse being reported by survivors who do not embellish their history.

If you stop letting their emotional hooks work………..  Try looking at it from this way, if you’ve been duped, or feel defensive, they have played many tricks to keep you obedient, avoiding the real Truthers in this, and keep you attention on them, the headliners from the 2010 rally and hoaxers like Kevin Annett, David Shurter, Miles Johnston with his bevy of alien abductees & supersoldiers & MKUltras like Angela Power Disney, Cathi Morgan etc.. And David Ickes’ input…. his assertions that the world is run by satanist paedophiles, has been taken up……. to distract ?  to detract ? to level blame away from the real and guilty child molesters too common for most people to have comprehended, unless some of us were brave enough to tell them.

My hope with this message… to ask people to please help undo the harm caused.

Help empower those that really deserve and need it.  for a mighty sudden awakening and redress, funds for access,  put it into Survivors Hands, that are independent of  influence and can show this, by the members of their groups, historic evidence of actions, events, writings, petitions, that have led us to this point now. There are many elderly survivors of abuse with chronic illnesses, damage caused and not addressed or compensated in Ireland, UK, Australia, Canada, USA.

‘Since writing we had the brilliant Tim Minchin song ‘Come Home Cardenal Pell’, and the over £200,000 raised for the Ballarat Survivors to go to Rome, with other funds also improving, tho still more help is needed and I have been thanked by many for the better clarity, given by the Black and White Lists.  (Fiona Barnett, aided by Opdeatheaters & Pedophilesdownunder & Hollie/Hampstead hoax promoters, tried to divert funds by mirroring Tim Minchins page, video).   Since I caught sight of and quickly stopped it, fortunately, the hatred poured onto me, by those promoting the hoaxes increased, their attempt to sabotage that, raised questions amongst alot of us as to were they just greedy criminals supporting child abusers or some recieving support and funding ?    Or is there just money in it, claiming to help prevent child abuse and gaining donations ?

The IICSA UK CSAInquiry is now underway & like the Royal Commission Australia will be looking at all institutions.   Having watched many of the videos, it is clear that all religions have needed to be called into question for their avoidance of or covering up of abuse within them.  IICSA.ORG.UK 

Despite the attempts to infiltrate, interfere and sabotage it, the #CSAInquiry is going ahead with vigour and much valour from brave survivors of horrific abuse who’ve given their testimony.  More recently FSF & ITNJ have attempted to set up FMOTL type inquiries, wanting to collect testimonies and hold their own grand jury led courts, much like Kevin Annetts ITCCS. Org fiascos.

The final day of two week investigation into Peter Ball Anglican Church:

Truth Project  click link for quarterly updates


It has been shown that people do really care about CSA and Survivors/Victims, they want to help, and want to know how, they want to know, too that their money donated is well spent, and focused on the people and children at the centre of need, here.    Many are revolted by the viralised videos of the two hampstead children, and now realising the extent of conspiracy to commit many types of crime, alledgedly including child abuse, the tide has turned, thankyou to all who are helping,  on so many levels.  Alot of true collaboration is going on, and working, at last.’

Please ensure that the religious leaders, politicians, institutional directors and especially Insurance Companies attend to this issue finally, it is in your hands, to be able to make a real instant difference to the so many people living and aging, wounded mind, body and spirit, you must understand the impact of such violations to innocence, and what that would achieve……… So please, Do this, so that people can be supported better, and heal their wounds, as they give testimony and relive the torture inflicted on them.

The inquiries and Commission will be even the better for it.


Click here for The CSA/Family Justice Blacklist of Saboteurs/promoters of fakes

Saboteurs/Blacklist CSA/Family Justice

Sabine has tried to use Lucy Allens work to boost herself, so out of respect for Lucy here is her original link.

Lucy Allen Speaking of Children in Care

1994 2nd Public Rally against Child Abuse by C.R.O.S.S.
1994 2nd Public Rally against Child Abuse by C.R.O.S.S.
Anti child abuse rally 2013 run by Belinda Mckenzie, Maggie Tuttle, highlighting the hollie hoax.....again.
Anti child abuse rally 2013 run by Belinda Mckenzie, Maggie Tuttle, highlighting the hollie hoax…..again.