Erring on the side of caution

Source: Erring on the side of caution

Given the personal attacks caused by collaborators with this guy, that have effected good people, other advocates, their families, children, including mine……  I have little sympathy….my comments and others, paint a clearer picture than the comments on YouTube….. I hope this kind of harrassment, towards innocent people, will be stopped.. These so called victims, are in fact themselves, targetting many.

Angela Power Disney & her latest collaborator, Heather Brown mocked him, recently…..  They havn’t let up on me either….

This is why I have warned the networks concerned with child protection.  Groups involved with survivors, inquiries, investigations. need to take seriously the harm caused.

Without directly or openly becoming involved, you can help, by reporting videos depicting the two hampstead children…. photos also….It is horrifying, that so called advocates against child abuse are flying in the face of true advocacy with impunity. Unless, we work to stop them and put pressure on the platforms allowing scammers to lead the narrative, using children as a shield to scam and abuse vulnerable people.


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