The community Araya doesn’t want you to see

Source: The community Araya doesn’t want you to see

Hey thanks to everyone who knows i spread light and shed as much as possible on dark, evil stuff, from under massive oppression, and has encouraged everyone to help, except that those perpetuating the hoaxes, are pretending to, copying some of us, and instead sabotaging and overshadowing, and bullying us, oppressing any, that are waking up to their shams/scams.

See my Google plus where unrepenting, relentless bullies continue with the previous holliehoax, trying to regain traction, a case all the hoaxers mention, still.

They call me a Gatekeeper !!!!

Well that won’t fly, or be believed, because by my actions, i’ve helped to open the gates, and encourage others to step into the truth and power of doing so.

I platformed so many groups early days/years online, and the hoaxers treated it like a doormat, and co opted the rallies UK.

Sidelining all of the decent groups, to spread and viralise vile/bile/hoax/scams.

Thankyou to everyone, waking up and helping with this.

Good sites, please feel welcome to leave a link in comments, so i can add to the white list.

I do have to moderate comments, and just don’t have time, to run discussion threads here, but sites will be included where that is possible and safe to do so.  As safe as people can make it, but some are alert to the trolls, and protect as best they can.

Some have chat options, and some closed settings for privacy, and of course keep yourself safe, and avoid these dreadful blacklisted people who will just use and abuse anyone without concience.

Click the link above, and thanks 🙂



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